
Season 2 of beloved comedy series reboot is banking on nostalgia

Season 2 of beloved comedy series reboot is banking on nostalgia

I approve the Frasier reboot with more characters from the original show, but using that nostalgia as the basis for all of the marketing for season 2 feels like a trap. The marketing worked for me, I’ll be watching the new episodes mainly to see beloved characters again, and even to see the return to Seattle. However, I also think I’ll probably be disappointed by the show again.

This illustrates the problem with nostalgia-based properties like the Frasier reboot Season 2; they don’t have to try very hard. With a built-in audience, these properties can ignore deep flaws as long as they appeal to a nostalgic fanbase with cameos and references. It’s not necessarily a problem when it appeals to the original, but when it’s used as a crutch to prop up an otherwise unremarkable show, it becomes a problem, which is what Season 2 of the show looks to do.