
7 firefighters injured in traffic accident

7 firefighters injured in traffic accident

In a disturbing turn of events, seven firefighters are currently recovering at St. Dominic Catholic Hospital in Akwatia and Kade Government Hospital from a terrifying road accident that occurred in Adankrono while they were rushing to an emergency in Otwenkwanta.

The fire brigade was called after an emergency report was received at around 8:37 am on Sunday morning about an accident involving a fuel tanker on the road near Otwenkwanta.

The team responded quickly to the call and went on mission at 08:38. However, when they had to make a turn at the Gaso gas station, they came across an accident. Their fire truck was involved in this and a devastating accident occurred.

The exact cause of the alarming incident is still unknown, although preliminary investigation has shown that there is probably a defect in the steering lock.
Tragically, there were eight people on board the fire engine registration number FS 438 when disaster struck. One person managed to escape unharmed.

Following the incident, five team members were rushed to St. Dominic Hospital in Akwatia for emergency medical attention, while the driver and the officer on duty were immediately taken to Kade Government Hospital for necessary care.

Following this disheartening incident, the Commander of the Eastern Regional Fire Service, ACFO Jennifer Naa Yarley Quaye, took proactive measures by visiting the hospitals where the injured personnel were being treated and also inspecting the scene of the accident to reassure the parties involved.

ACFO Quaye confirmed the condition of the affected firefighters and assured that all persons are currently in a stable condition and are responding positively to the medical attention they are receiving.

By Vincent Kubi