
Diablo 4’s new Spiritborn class can switch between Jaguar, Gorilla, Eagle, and Centipede powers

Diablo 4’s new Spiritborn class can switch between Jaguar, Gorilla, Eagle, and Centipede powers

Diablo 4 is getting a brand new class as part of the Vessel of Hatred expansion, launching on October 8. According to Blizzard, the Spiritborn is “an entirely new class for the Diablo series” and hails from the jungles of Nahantu, a location players will visit as part of Vessel of Hatred. The elevator pitch for the Spiritborn is simple: a warrior with martial arts prowess who can harness the power of formidable Spirit Guardians to defeat the demonic threat plaguing Sanctuary.

Call upon the power of the Centipede with Diablo 4's new Spiritborn class, image: Blizzard.

Call upon the power of the Centipede with Diablo 4’s new Spiritborn class, image: Blizzard.


In terms of gameplay and mechanics, as a Spiritborn warrior, players will be able to call upon the skills and abilities of four different Spirit Guardians: the Gorilla, the Jaguar, the Eagle, and the Centipede. Finally, players can fulfill their dreams by taking on the role of a powerful Centipede. Okay, that last one is a bit of a no-brainer, but seeing all four in action offers a tasty glimpse into how the Spiritborn fits into the current Diablo 4 class lineup.

Players can combine the skills and talents of all four Spirit Guardians: the strength and tank-like determination of the Gorilla, the blazing speed of the Jaguar, the aerial mobility of the Eagle, and the venomous crow control of the Centipede.

Call upon the power of the Jaguar with Diablo 4's new Spiritborn class, image: Blizzard.

Call upon the power of the Jaguar with Diablo 4’s new Spiritborn class, image: Blizzard.

What’s cool is that you can see the spectral assistance of Spirit Guardians when you activate each skill or ability, which opens up an impressive level of variety. Rather than catering to one playstyle, the Spiritborn support multiple, from speedy Basic Skill enthusiasts to those who enjoy screen-filling pyrotechnics.

Blizzard also lifted the lid on several Spiritborn Legendary powers and Unique items as part of the new class reveal, including the exciting, skill-changing effects that Diablo 4 players are excited to see. From Centipede skills that spawn ‘Pestilant Swarms’ to a Jaguar skill called Rake that manifests a Spirit Jaguar who also casts the skill into a Unique staff called ‘Sepazontec’ that significantly increases Basic Shill damage while transforming combo attacks so that any attack becomes a more powerful third attack.

Diablo 4's new Spiritborn class can switch between the Jaguar, Gorilla, Eagle, and Centipede powers 06

Legendary powers and unique items of Spiritborn, image: Blizzard.

Legendary powers and unique items of Spiritborn, image: Blizzard.

Not that we have all the details and information about the Spiritborn class (check out Blizzard’s extensive blog post for moreincluding skill breakdowns); all that remains is to learn more about the Vessel of Hatred expansion. From new modes to the rumored Mercenaries system and improved Stronghold events, we’ll have to wait a little longer to find out what else the expansion has to offer.