
‘Twisters’ Screened At Oklahoma Theater That Survived EF-5

‘Twisters’ Screened At Oklahoma Theater That Survived EF-5

“Twisters” blew into Oklahoma movie theaters over the weekend. The action-packed movie that was filmed in Oklahoma was a blockbuster success in its first weekend with over $80 million garnered. As thousands of Oklahomans made their way to theaters this weekend, several saw the film at a movie theater that famously survived an EF-5 tornado.

On May 20, 2013, Moore, Oklahoma, was struck by an infamous EF-5 tornado. Several homes were destroyed and multiple schools were directly hit by the monster tornado. One big structure that was in the line of the storm was the Regal Warren Moore movie theater. Although a majority of the building withstood the storm, it still experienced extensive damage.

The Moore Warren Regal was not directly hit by EF-5 tornado.

When the EF-5 tornado ripped through Moore in 2013, the Moore Warren Regal was not directly hit by the tornado, but it was still close enough to receive significant damage. An article from KGOU reminded Oklahomans a year after that infamous storm that the Moore Warren Regal is not an engineered shelter.

Harold Brooks, a senior scientist with the National Severe Storms Laboratory, told KGOU that “people think the Warren theater is magic.” And that “the Warren theater was basically not hit by the tornado. It survived (as well as) it did because it didn’t get hit by the tornado.”

Oklahomans posted on social media about seeing ‘Twisters’ at movie theater that survived EF-5 tornado.

Social media in Oklahoma was flooded with photos and videos of people seeing “Twisters.” Movie theaters all over the state were packed with patrons and several drive-in theaters sold out every night. But the Okies that went to see “Twisters” at the Moore Warren Regal specifically mentioned that the theater famously survived an EF-5 tornado.

@lovestruckliz pretty full circle if you ask me #twisters #glenpowell #moore #moorestrong #tornadoes ♬ Ain’t No Love In Oklahoma (From Twisters: The Album) – Luke Combs

Oklahomans are undoubtably proud of “Twisters,” and seeing the Oklahoma-based film at an Oklahoma movie theater that survived one of the biggest tornadoes known to man is really a full circle moment for most Okies.

@notkiaralenee welcome to moore, oklahoma #twister #twistersmovie #4dx ♬ original sound – lxzzyedits

Oklahoma’s Top 10 Deadliest Tornadoes

Gallery Credit: Kaley Patterson

Worst Places To Be During A Tornado

There are obvious worst places to be during a tornado – in a mobile home, driving – but there are other not-so-great places to be during a tornado. Some of them are humorous, but it can happen.

Gallery Credit: Kaley Patterson